In honor of National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day, The Haven sat down to conduct a live interview with Professor Boomer, a 3-year-old, intelligent domestic shorthair feline who has taken up teaching his fellow felines at the agency until he finds his new loving home.

  1. Why must you humans turn on the lights at 6 a.m. in the morning? This is just when I’m turning in.

Well, Professor Boomer, that is a great question. Us humans are better referred to as your caregivers. We have several other of your students and canine critters who rely on us to provide them with daily care.

  1. When will I get some of the chicken snacks? It’s always tuna, tuna, and more tuna…

Now that we know what you like, we will make sure you get some chicken snacks, too.

  1. My favorite movie is The Cat in the Hat. When will you all be taking us furry felines to the movies?

That is a classic movie and a fav for many here at The Haven. We can’t take you to the theatre but maybe we can bring the theatre to you. Something to note for goals.

  1. Speaking of goals, I provide a course to my fellow feline students every evening when the lights are out, and humans are nowhere in the building titled, “How Cats Will Dominate the World”. Who do I see about getting some new dry erase markers for the whiteboard?

We will put that order in for you, Professor Boomer.

  1. Why must that professional photographer toss all the cat toys around me on photoshoot days?I look good at any angle and can’t be hypnotized.

Kathie is a professional photographer from Ono Pet Photography. She uses these tricks to capture the best photo of each adoptable pet. I will be sure to let her know your input.

  1. What are those stupid red rubbery objects that are filled with a gooey substance that makes the dogs go silly and do whatever you humans want? Why can’t the cats have those, too?

You are talking about Kongs. The caregivers stuff them with peanut butter, snacks, and more peanut butter before freezing them. Silly kitty, the same reason why dogs cant have catnip. It’s not good for them.

  1. On the subject of catnip, does this place allow recreational use of catnip? I have seen some of my students trading it for extra snacks between the late-night hours but they won’t let the professor in on the deal.

Yes, catnip is permitted for recreational use. It is hidden inside toys so perhaps you’ve been too busy lecturing or napping?